Find our how we empower our super friends!
Training Center @ SUN-DAC
SUPERDUPER is a social enterprise that supports our special friends with disability through training and employment.

Our mission
To create opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and people from vulnerable communities in our society.
Our vision
To enable Persons with Disabilities to achieve sustainable independence and co-create an inclusive society.
Every purchase of our products create more jobs for our special friends.
You can get it at the listed retail outlets, Shopee, Qoo10 or browse our items available here.
Yes, our products are prepared and packed by our Super friends!
At Superduper, we train people with disabilities that are deemed untrainable in special schools, with life skills and skills to help them gel with our society, together with our advance AI technology and teachers, to handle day to day logistic operations as well.
Be Team Superduper!
Would you like to volunteer and be a part of Superduper? Leave your name, mobile number and email, and we will contact you in 2 to 4 working days.